Blogs and Sites

I was giving serious consideration to dropping this blog in favor of one at Blogger, integrated into a site hosted there. There are—as with most things—advantages and disadvantages to doing this. I decided the latter outweighed the former. That is, in part, because my site is about more than writing. Blogger also felt a bit inadequate to my needs for a site so I’ll be concentrating on getting the existing one up to speed (among other chores).

And I shall continue to write about writing here. I may mess about with other Blogger pages for other purposes, including perhaps one dedicated to my worldbuilding. And poetry and reviews and personal bits do show up at

I am currently plugging away on the next Wilk spy adventure. Admittedly not very hard and I’ve been allowing myself to be distracted by other projects. One of these was to complete and update the Arachis Press site. All my books are linked up properly there now and there is a page of free downloads for the ebooks. Yes, all of them, in both EPUB and PDF format, and including those written under pen names.


I have begun building my actual Stephen Brooke site elsewhere (though this Word Press space remains a fall-back, if needed). This will replace the one I kept at Yahoo for a long time (but the hosting company was sold to some other company recently), which will disappear at the end of Jan 2023. This blog, then, will serve primarily as just that—a blog. A place to post my news and views.

So, it is in large part a replacement for the Lucky Lad blog I shut down not long ago, but a blog more obviously about me and my work. Easier to find, I would hope; after I stopped dropping links at Twitter (from which I have fled), I wasn’t getting many visitor at the Lad. Be assured, I shall post here frequently. Maybe more frequently than most of you would care for!