
Just to add a tad to the previous entry, I am entirely likely to rewrite a few of the entries here and post them at Eggshell Boats dot com, my catch-all blog. All the more reason I’ll leave this one up a while. But, again, nothing new here, no news, no writing about writing.

Where Now?

This page has become essentially redundant. If I write about writing, it is likely to show up on my ‘personal’ blog, Eggshell Boats. And now professional news and announcements will be at the Stephen Brooke blog. So I should either remove or repurpose this site. Not immediately, but know that I won’t post any more writing news here.

A Qala Story

I have completed a semi-polished draft of a fantasy short story, The Road to Tesra, the ‘origin story’ (of sorts) for my character of Qala the Pirate Queen. Probably not suited to publishing (on its own) so I’m making it available at my primary blog. It is the longest short story I’ve ever written, just slipping over the border into novelette territory.