Dictator Excerpt

The latest free read (I try to get one up around the last week of the month) is an excerpt from my adventure novel THE DICTATOR’S CHILDREN. It may be found on the Tales page. This is set at the villa the Guzman family is renting in Miami, in 1948. TDC was the first Wilk novel I wrote; the second one, WILK, is set nearly thirty years earlier and may be regarded as a sort of origin story. I do plan to write more!

Great Bear

A short excerpt from my time travel novel, “When Man Was Young.” Our characters are exploring a cave. Spear Maker is a youthful Neanderthal.

The lad hesitated at the entrance. “Does Great Bear live here?” he asked. He was attempting to sound more calm than he felt, I thought.

“Not now,” Raven informed him. “It’s not time to sleep yet.”

Spear Maker nodded his head. He’d picked that up from us. Crouching, he followed Condor into the passage.

“Great Bear?” I whispered to Raven as we went in after him.

“I’ve been told all about him,” he replied. “Great Bear hibernates in a vast cavern far below the world and brings spring when he awakens. He is son and mate of Earth, who is mother to all.”

“Oh.” We sidled along for a few seconds. “Are there other gods?”

“I’m not certain. I haven’t figured out the point of some of the stories I’ve been told. The sun and moon and maybe the stars have a meaning, but I don’t know if they are gods as you and I know the word. There seems to be an animistic view of the world.” He chuckled. It sounded odd in this space. “My main source is Rabbit so I’m not inclined to take any of it too seriously.”

Little Rabbit would be entirely likely to make up anything she didn’t know. She had the makings of a religious leader.